Thursday, December 17, 2009

One Act of Kindness Leads to Another!

I have to brag on my daughter! Before Thankgiving of this year, she was asked to collect food by her teacher at school. She came home quite excited about it and wanted to go just then. I suggested we go to close neighbborhood since someone has recently asked us from our street. That Saturday Emily and I went around to every house and asked for donations of canned food for her school. She was hoping for 10 items. We ended up with 37 items of food! She was truly amazed and I was too! Nobody refused and everyone gave something. It was very encouraging! When we got back to the house, she told me she wanted to write thank you notes to each person who contributed. That was incredible because Emily doesn't like to write and we had nine people who contributed so that meant she would have to write nine letters! Well I helped her get the letters preparded and sent out by typing them on the computer but she did write up the addresses to a few of the people. Then the following Monday, we took the food donations to her teacher, we found out she was only one of two students who contributed! She felt very proud of her accomplishment.

But the last part of this story has to do with the Christmas card she received in the mail just the other day. One of the neighbors was so impressed by Emily and her thank you note that she wrote a note and sent it in a Christmas card:

Needless to say we are very proud of our Emily and how thoughtful and giving she is!

1 comment:

  1. Our precious Emily is a very special young lady in deed!!! She is a lovely expression of her Lord & of the example her parents have lived before her! Warms my heart!!
    Love!! Mom ( Mimi)
