Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flag at Halfmast!

This two to three weekshas been rough for FamilyLife staff particularly here in Little Rock. We have seen two very precious women who have had long standing battles with cancer go to be with the Lord. The first lady was Debbie Perry and she was a great encouragement to many even in her battle with cancer. The day she first had to wear a wig she was entertaining people by "flipping her wig" at people in jest. She died on March 30th. We had a all staff meeting that day and it was a special time of prayer for her husband Tom. He was very encouraging to us as staff!

And then on April 7th, a missionary staff's wife went to be with the Lord while her husband slept next to her. She was very peaceful. They had served together for a number of years in New Zealand. More recently they have worked with all the different speakers who speak at the Weekend To Rmember getaways.

So as you can imagine we have been a bit somber around here; however, we all have our hope in the Lord. And praise God for these two women and for how uses each of us to minister in this world so taken by sin and death!

So when I went outside at the end of the day to go home and saw this:

My heart was taken by the beauty of this tribute and how we honor those who have gone before us and how they will one day welcome us into that celestial home!

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