Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Come What May" Great Movie

Have you noticed the item at the bottom of this blog? It is an advertisement for a movie called Come What May. I was really excited about it because it features Patrick Henry College where Katie wants to go) and it involves the debate team and the Moot Court the have each year. This time it was about the abortion.
I have been waiting for the right time to watch it and so I did last night. I was disappointed but not by the story. It was the acting. It kind of reminds me of Flywheel by the Kendrick brothers, who just brought out Fireproof! I think they have created a great story but often you feel like the actors are fake.
Now this is their first movie and it got a lot of things right, like scenery, plot, etc.
So in the same way the Kendrick brothers started out small and started making better movies I hope the same for this group!
So I kind of hope they enhance it and come out with Come What May 2.0.

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